Beautiful Indonesia: Tour to Dieng, A Country Above The Clouds

Beautiful Indonesia: Tour to Dieng, A Country Above The Clouds - Welcome to my lovely Blog, Andayani Rhani! In #Sundaystory this week, I'll tell you about my favorite place, Dieng Plateau.

Any people call it : A Country Above The Clouds. And I'm sure that you would agree when knowing the reason after finished read this article!

Here we go!

Tour to Dieng is my dream since I was in Junior High School. Actually, I have visited Dieng when I was 16th years old. I climbed Mt. Prau with my best friends 3 years ago. But we didn't go to another place after that.

Fact : Dieng comes from Sanskrit, Di means the plateau or mountain, and Hyang which means heaven. In conclusion, Dieng means mountain or plateau where dewa and dewi live.

I think Dieng has another heaven places which is a pity to pass up. So, a few weeks ago, Me and my friend decided to tour in Dieng with motorbike. It takes less than 2 hours and there are 3 routes to go to Dieng from my house in Weleri, Kendal. We started on 9 am.

This is one pleasant hour. Not long after it, the settlements changed to green plantations. We faced steep road. Early, everything was under control. Until, our motorbike didn't strong enough to go.

This will be an unforgettable moment, because I had to get off the motorbike and walked on the road with an unreasonable slope. My body mass was like heavier.

The Steep Road

The sky began cloudy. No one helped us, because this place was very quiet. A long road with a ravine on the left. I wanted to go home and went back to wearing my warm blanket in the room but it was already half way.

After walking a few kilometers, we were able to continue the trip by motorcycle. White fog, cool air and green view make it feels like heaven on earth.

Half an hour passed, the rain was coming when we just arrived at the Dieng areas. So, we took shelter in the tent stall who owned by the residents. We stayed here till the rain stopped.

Arjuna Temple

Our first tour place is Arjuna Temple Areas. It located in the Dieng Plateau, Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java, Indonesia.

Many plants along the ways.

We just paid IDR 15.000 to visit this place included Sikidang Crater. Beside the counter, there is umbrella rental services by local residents if you need them.

Arjuna Temple Areas

After walked a few minutes. We can see five beautiful temple in here. Arjuna Temple is the oldest Temple who built 8 AD in the Sanjaya dynasty, the kingdom of Mataram Kuno. And the others are Semar, Srikandi, Puntadewa, and Sembadra Temple.

Gatotkaca Temple

In front of Arjuna Temple areas there is a temple that stands alone. It's Gatotkaca Temple. It has different construction with Arjuna Temples. The shape is round and huge but not enough tall.

Sikidang Crater

After took some pictures, we continued the trip to Sikidang Crater. Sikidang is a hot water crater located not far from the Arjuna temple area.

Sikidang Crater

Since you arrived, you will be see to a vast expanse of white limestone and the smell of rotten eggs from sulfur.

There are several mudflows in several places. Some tourists usually bring eggs and cook them in the crater safe area.

Don't forget to using a mask! If you forget to bring, you can buy from some residents who sell it in the areas.
Is it Winter? Big no! ho ho ho. It's so cold but trust me that it's just white fog.

The Colorful Lake or Telaga Warna

The Colourful Lake

It is a natural and dazzling Lake. This Lake has phenomenon who can change colour because the water is contain the sulfurs.

This lake is located in a nature reserve area.  From the three places we visited, this place is the most spacious.
But we still calm, because there is map and sign boards.

In this place you can visit some of cave with their legend. You can enjoy the view of this lakes through the hill or sit relaxed on the lake bridge.
Relaxing on the bridge lake

The Colorful Lake became the end of our tour that day because the sky was getting dark and we had to go home.

I hope this article can be reference some interesting place and information about beautiful of Dieng. See you on the next #SundayStory!

With love,
andayani rhani


32 Komentar

  1. Aku pernah ke Dieng, tapi duluuu banget. Belum sebagus sekarang. Mana banyak yang share naik untuk liat sunrise. Duh...jadi pengen ke sana deh...Mudah-mudahan pas engga lagi turun es. Brrr...kebayang minus sekian derajat

    1. Saat saya berkunjung di sana masih ada proyek untuk wisata baru lagi kak Hani, tapi sayang belum sepenuhnya selesai akhirnya nggak mampir.

  2. Lihat pemandangan gini jadi ingat toraja tempo dulu waktu masih SD. Kalau lihat memang seperti negeri di atas awan ya. Berkabut gitu,. Pasti dingin banget tuh hehe

    1. iyah kudu siap bawa jaket satu lagi biar gak kedinginan meski udah pakai sweater. btw candinya masih bagus yaaa... mana HTM juga murce

    2. Yups benar sekali kak Tri, malangnya saya berkunjung setelah di sana hujan. Tapi semua rasa dinginnya tersingkirkan dengan pemandangan yanh lebih menawan hehehe

  3. MasyaAllah, keren banget. Emang bener "Beautiful!". Semoga aja suatu saat bisa pergi ke sana, ke Dieng.

    1. Aamiin, semoga bisa segera terlaksana ya kak kalau butuh tour guide bisa segera hubungi kontak hehhee

  4. Arjuna temple, lokasinya keren ya. Candi-candinya terlihat masih sangat terawat

    1. Iya kak, dari pengamatan saya, pemerintah daerah agaknya sangat memperhatikan kelestarian candi-candi di sini. Terbukti dari jalanan yang menuju ke arah candi, dibuat secantik mungkin agar penggunjung tidak merasa bosan

  5. Luar biasa indahnya. Semoga suatu saat saya dan keluarga bisa ke sana.

    1. Aamiin ^^ terimakasih sudah berkunjung kak Amel

  6. Bagus banget pemandangannya. Dari dulu pengen ke dieng, tapi belum kesampaian.

    Banyak juga ya candinya, letaknya berdekatan kah?

    1. Semua candi yang saya tulis di sini berdekatan dan masih satu area kak. Di beberapa tempat juga terdapat candi lagi, namun harus masuk ke daerah perkampungan

  7. Dulu saya pernah ke Dieng. Ke tiga tempat ini juga. Yang paling saya ingat itu makan mie khas dieng. Apa ya nama lupa. Enak banget pokoknya. Terus oleh-olehnya juga unik. Ada cabe gendot, kentang merah, dan rica-rica.

    1. Ah iya, terimakasih mba sudah mengingatkan saya. Sampai lupa tidak saya bahas di artikel ini mungkin next artikel heheehe

  8. I really love this article. Sorry to know that the motorcycle broke down on the road.
    I've been to Dieng in 2018. Dieng is indeed beautiful and I want to come again someday.

  9. Keren banget mba jalan-jalannya. Aku belom pernah sampe ke Dieng .Jadi penasaran banget deh. Tapi kayaknya kalo bawa anak kecil agak repot ya.

  10. Whaa it's amazing journey to country above the clouds. And I hope someday I can go there to enjoy nice temple, scinery and many more.

    1. Aamiin, semoga bisa segera terlaksana ya kak 💗

  11. Huaaa baca artikelnya bikin aku kangen Dieng
    Sudah lama sekali, terakhir ke sana 2017 dan rasanya pengen balik lagi deh
    Dieng itu cantik sekali. Alamnya memang tercipta untuk memanjakan mata dan hati

    1. Setuju! Wah beda setahun dengan saya kak. Kalau saya terakhir kali ke sana tahun 2016

  12. Yang lucu adalah... aku tinggal tidak terlalu jauh dari Dieng. Tetapi sama sekali belum pernah kepikiran mo lburan kesana :(

    1. Eh serius mas? Rugi lho, saya yang jauh saja rasanya pengen kesana terus hehehe

  13. Makasih lho, selain serasa diajak merasakan keindahan alam, aku jadi sekaligus belajar bahasa Inggris dan menerjemahkan :) Wiih untuk melihat Candi Arjuna dan Sikidang Creater tiketnya 15ribu aja. Sungguh terjangkau, noted. Semua suatu hari nanti ku bisa ke sana :)

    1. Hihihi memang murah sekalii mas, btw saya juga masih belajar bahasa Inggris kok

  14. It's so inspiring me Mom. Aku jadi ingin jalan-jalan ke sana. Aku ini penyuka gunung karena sejuk, dibandingkan pantai yang panas. Heheheee ...

    1. Benar kak, di Dieng udaranya juga masih asri, banyak perkebunan dan tanaman hijau yang memanjakan mata

  15. MasyaAllah dari dulu pengen banget ke dieng, cuma belum ada dana dan kesempatannya buat liburan ke Jawa lagi.

    1. Semoga segera kendapatkan rizki dan bisa liburann ke Jawa ya kak ^^ btw kak dyah domisili dimana?

  16. Dieng ini jadi salah satu tempat wisata yg ingin bgt saya kunjungi. Selain suhu udaranya yg dingin, adanya anak berambut gimbal jadi kelebihan untuk menarik wisatawan baik lokal maupun mancanegara

    1. Betul sekali, di sini banyak wisatawan mancanegara kak.

  17. Siap hehe in syaa Allah jika update nanti akan saya perbanyak lagi, terimakasih sarannya ^^


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